Constipation during pregnancy happens frequently. It happens with other discomforts such as backache, leg cramps, nausea and urinary incontinence. Constipation during pregnancy happens because of hormonal changes caused by higher levels of progesterone. As progesterone is secreted by the body, a woman would not be producing milk until she has given birth. Nonetheless,constipation during pregnancy is one of the side-effects of excess progesterone. During pregnancy, the digestive system slows down thereby making bowel movement quite difficult.
Change of dietary intake such as lack of fiber can cause constipation too. Women who are having a baby usually eat a lot of food to nourish their body. There are alco cases where pregnant women decrease their liquid intake due to urinary incontinence. Because of this, passing of stool becomes difficult due to hard and lumpy stools. Pregnant women also take nutritional supplements that contains iron and calcium. Iron intake of a pregnant woman is much higher because the baby needs it too. Anemic women during pregnancy face health risks because issues such as low birth weight or even preterm birth can possibly happen. Typically, doctors advise pregnant women totake 18mg of iron daily; however, this dosage can also lead to constipation in pregnancy.In cases where pregnant women get constipated, these great tips can surely help them:
1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. By doing so, fiber is increased that leads to more bulk formation of stools. Pregnant women cant avoid taking iron that can cause constipation but they can eat food that aids the digestive system. Laxatives must be avoided by expectant women because these are harsh and can cause violent contractions in the stomach.
2. Drink enough water. Water is a factor in promoting a healthy body. Water does not only refresh the body but also aids in proper digestion and elimination of waste.
Inconvenient as it may seem, water is important to prevent constipation during pregnancy; yet, this also means several trips to the toilet.
3. Movement.Pregnancy should not stop women from exercising. Exercise boosts the circulatory system of the body making it more stronger and healthier.
Also, exercise can aid constipation during pregnancy because it causes the system to function properly. In fact, people who exercise rarely experience constipation.Constipation during pregnancy can altogether be avoided as long as the practical tips aforementioned are followed.