Chronic Constipation Children: Parents Must Be On Their Toes Looking For Warning Signs

There are several signs that when present in your child should lead you to suspect you’re your child is suffering from chronic constipation in children. Among these signs is the fact that the child is not moving his or her bowels more than thrice in a week and consistently for a few weeks, and more. In addition, the child is passing hard and dry as well as very large stool and passing of stool is especially difficult for the child. If these signs continue for over two weeks then it is a sure case of chronic constipation in children.

It is always a good idea to be informed about different chronic constipation causes because by understanding the common triggers you will be in a better position to take remedial action.

Several Reasons

There are several reasons why chronic constipation in children occurs and foremost among the many reasons is the fact that child is not drinking enough liquids – is it water, milk or even fruit juices. Secondly, chronic constipation in children can occur because of not consuming a healthy diet – especially a diet that in fact contains too little of fiber.

A diet consisting of high quantities of fat as well as too much of refined sugar will certainly not provide the desired amount of fiber and this in turn will lead to chronic constipation in children. However, this condition can also occur when you start to switch your baby from breast milk to consuming cow milk, and after changing your baby’s food from baby food to solids.

It is also very usual that chronic constipation in children causes the child to start to ignore his or her urge to move the bowels and the reason for this is that the child is loathe to interrupt their play or take time out to use the restroom. This avoidance of moving the bowels causes the stool to build up in the child’s lower bowel and then the stool also turns very hard and becomes bigger.

Chronic constipation in children can cause considerable distress and pain to the child in moving of his or her bowels and this in turn makes the child want to avoid moving the bowels. In order to prevent and treat chronic constipation in children parents must ensure that the child is given a proper diet and is made to drink plenty of fluids. In addition, you need to train the child to move the bowels; you can also give them laxatives and beginning a reward program to goad the child into using the toilet too can help.