There are three different categories in which to divide constipation: the length of time it takes to treat the condition; short-term reasons such as medication, diet, travel and surgery as well as other causes; medium term reasons such as low-fiber diet and lack of exercise as well as too little consumption of liquids, and there is also old age, laxative abuse, pregnancy as well as too much consumption of caffeine and alcohol that cause constipation. Finally there is chronic constipation which is a long term condition and it occurs because a person’s GI tract has serious disorders or because of occurrence of other chronic ailments.
Malfunctioning GI Tract
Among problems associated with a person’s GI tract you can include disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, colonic inertia, obstructions in the intestines, and anorectal dysfunction. In addition, there are also other problems that can cause disorders in the GI tract including fissures, tumors and fistulae and even hemorrhoids.
In case the GI tract is free from obstructions (structural) then the treatment of chronic constipation is not a major issue. It may only require educating the patient about importance of consuming highly fibrous foods and drinking plenty of liquids as well as refraining from consuming substances that can dehydrate the person.
When chronic constipation is more serious the treatment will require taking strong laxative and among the many options open to you in this regard, Biofeedback is one that you will do well to try. Sometimes, however a patient may need to undergo surgery; especially when other forms of chronic constipation treatment have failed to resolve the problem even after four months of the treatment.
The common forms of surgery to treat chronic constipation including abdominal colectomy, ileoanal pouch and ileorectomy – all of which can provide considerable relief to the patient. However, chronic constipation can also be caused by neurological disorders, problems in the endocrine as well as metabolic problems, and even strokes, diabetes as well as Parkinson’s disease are known to cause chronic constipation.
Chronic constipation is a condition in which a person continues to feel constipated for quite a few months – which means that he or she will not normally experience having bowel movements of more than thrice in a week. Chronic constipation children occurs when a child has fewer than three bowel movements in a week and when stools are especially hard and dry as well as very large, and in addition, the child will also experiences difficulty in passing stool.
It is safe to say that whenever a person experiences fewer than three bowel movements in a week for a few months that the condition is chronic constipation.