Home Options in Acute Constipation Treatment
Although constipation is rarely serious, it can be a very uncomfortable problem, especially if it becomes chronic in nature. The good news for those that suffer from constipation of any type is that there are many good options in acute constipation treatment today. Most of these constipation treatment choices can be done at home with diet and over-the-counter medications. If your constipation does indeed become chronic however, it is best to make an appointment with your doctor to rule out illnesses that could be causing your symptoms, and discuss acute constipation treatment options that are available.
Treatment Choices for Occasional Constipation
The most frequent way to treat acute constipation that only flares up occasionally is with dietary changes. This can include consuming plenty of natural fiber in your daily diet, which can incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables as well as whole grain products. You should also make sure that you drink enough fluids throughout the day, since dehydration can also lead to constipation. Eight glasses of water in a 24-hour period is what most health professionals will recommend. While it is difficult to document, many also believe that regular exercise will keep your digestive system regular as well. Since the health benefits of daily exercise are so great, it certainly cannot hurt to work this into your acute constipation treatment also.
If these lifestyle changes are not enough to bring relief to your occasional constipation, there are fiber therapies on the market as well. These go by commercial names like Metamucil and Benefiber, and can be mixed with many of your favorite foods and beverages. The side effects to these constipation treatments can include stomach cramps and diarrhea until you get a good idea of the best dosage amount for your system. You can also take an over-the-counter laxative, but these should be used rarely and very carefully. The last step in acute constipation treatment at home is an enema, which can flush waste out of the lower intestine and rectal area. These should also be used very sparingly and very carefully.
Treatment for Chronic Constipation
If your severe constipation becomes chronic in nature, a visit to your doctor is in order to rule out any underlying illnesses or diseases that might be causing your condition. Your doctor can also recommend lifestyle and diet changes that might bring relief, and he can give you a prescription medication if necessary. Chronic constipation can be an uncomfortable problem to overcome; the good news is that there are many acute constipation treatment options to choose from so that you can find one that will work for you.