How to deal with bronchitis in children

Children are normally frisky,active and love playing outdoors with their friends. They are curious in exploring the natural environment which makes them exposed to a lot allergens and pollutants. Moreover, children often dismiss the weather and would go out whether it’s sunny or rainy. Because of this, colds and cough appear which can leads to bronchitis in children. The symptoms of bronchitis in children come in the form of runny nose, sore throats and low fever. Not long enough, the child feels weak and feel cold most of the time. Sooner, children experience dry cough at the start making it hard for them to breathe or sleep at night. Soon enough the cough eventually loosens and the lungs try to expel them. A wheezing sound is also a symptom of possible bronchitis in children.

Parents should not get stressed because there are several over the counter medications that can be used in treating acute bronchitis in children. Most cough syrups are used to dissolve the mucus and remove it. Similarly, some aspirin can help in reducing fever and relieving minor headache that comes with a clogged nose. Most of the time, parents are stressed seeing their kids unable to sleep or breathe properly due to bronchitis in children. If this is the situation, a humidifier or a vaporizer can help clear blockages in nasal passages effectively. The smell of eucalyptus can help soothe difficulty in breathing for those who have colds.

One thing that parents must remember about bronchitis in children is that kids must drink lots of beverages like water or fruit juices. Bronchitis in children is one of the leading cause of absenteeism. Sick children are often advised to take a rest so their bodies can recover although some would still prefer to play despite the symptoms. Other household members should always wash their hands since bronchitis in children is contagious. If the symptoms do not disappear after several days, medical attention should be immediately sought. There might be possibility of bacterial infection then the doctor would prescribe antibiotics. Bronchitis in children can be treated as long as you follow the aforementioned tips.