Many individuals increase their risk of injury by constantly repeating an action such as gripping. Generally,workers who often use a hammer or screwdriver as part of their job can develop tennis elbow. Indeed, not only tennis players suffer from tennis elbow but other people involved in work activities that include gripping tools. Once tennis elbow sets in, pain on the outer part of the elbow and elbow tenderness near the bone would be felt by the person. Most of the time, repetitive stress damages the muscles and tendons on the lateral aspect of the elbow which results to tennis elbow. Tennis players, especially beginners, are the ones most affected due to heavy practice. In most cases, a tennis elbow brace is often advised by physical therapists to hasten recovery from tennis elbow.
A tennis elbow brace is an assistive device that provides lateral counter-force to the magnitude of muscle contraction which decreases the degree of muscle tension. A tennis elbow brace is composed of inelastic material that further restrains movement of the muscles. As soon as symptoms of tennis elbow shows up, a person must still apply the RICE method.
R means rest so the affected area would have time to heal.
The letter I means ice which should be applied to the area to further prevent swelling. Ice can also give relief from pain so the person can continue his daily activities.
Lastly, CE means compression and elevation. The main function of tennis elbow brace is to compress the muscles. Recovery from tennis elbow gets better by elevating the affected area while using a tennis elbow brace.
If you need a tennis elbow brace, there are different brands available in the market. Some online sites offer tennis elbow brace with good features and different sizes. Acquiring a too large or too small tennis elbow brace can be inadequate in providing compression thus defeating the purpose. The point is to have the right amount of compression which is not too loose nor too tight at all. Sometimes, a tennis elbow brace has add-ons like a forearm splint which provides support to the forearm. However, a tennis elbow brace must only be used for a short period and should not replace other interventions. Seek the advice of a physical therapist and follow the RICE method.